Dental Implant

For people with a missing tooth or even several missing teeth, dental implants can seem like a miracle. They are a wonderful tooth replacement option, which avoids the frustration of dealing with bridges and dentures. Once in place they maintain normal jaw functioning and look very natural.

If you are missing teeth and are tired of having loose dentures dental implants may be a great option for you. Dr.Wang can coordinate with your primary dentist in determining the best way to move forward to give you the best outcome functionally and cosmetically. If you don’t currently have a primary dentist, we can certainly refer you to a highly qualified one in Aston to meet all your dental needs.

Teeth Whitening

Offer Available for Whitening teeths only at $59

We’re Ready to Help You For any questions regarding the Dental Implant services we provide, please call our office at (410) 848-9192 .103 East Main St Westminster, MD – Carroll Family 21157